Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

Hey, how is it all going? I hope everything is going great for everybody. Well, the weather is not too bad. It’s been pretty nice. It has been like a high of 27°, isn’t that just awesome! It is so nice we haven’t been wearing our coats or suit jackets for some time now. Oh, just to tell you so you don’t think I am crazy, it is 27°C not °F, so it is in the high 70’s and low 80’s in °F. So, it is pretty nice here. Well, things here are going good. We never set up the baptism dates for our other two investigators because they were too busy this week and we never got to go teach them.

Well, things seem to be going good. The French is coming along. It is way hard, but I will eventually get the hang of it. Well, you know how you play slug bug if you see a Volkswagen Beatle, you yell slug bug. Well, they have it here but they play it with Mini Coopers. We were on the bus and these two girls were telling us a story. They were just talking away when one just yelled out MINI and hit the other person on the arm. So, that was pretty funny.

Ok, a funny story for you. I was on a work day with Elder Simonson and we go to a door to knock on it. So we did and a guy comes out and said he was not interested. So, Elder Simonson said “you are not interested in our ties?” Well, he comes out of the house, closed the door and was like “listen! I am into Satanism. The devil is my Master and I serve him.” We are like, ok, He goes off for a little more. Then he said, “I know there is going to be a great battle between Satan and God.” We said “yes there will be and I guess we will see you on the battle field.” He is like “I am like you guys. You serve your master and you will fight for him too. The same goes for me. But if I see you on the battle field I WILL KILL YOU.” We tried not to laugh and we said “ok then I guess we will see each other on the battle field” and we said our goodbyes. Right when we got around the corner Elder Simonson just started laughing way hard. It was a funny experience.

Another story, there always seems to be an Ice Cream truck following the missionaries around. One day we were with a member working with him when an ice cream truck pulls up next to us in the car. Elder Broadway rolls down the window and yells, “hey stop following us...” Well, the ice cream truck driver heard and rolled down his window. At this point I was like, “you have done it now Elder.” Well, the guy just looks at us and Elder Broadway rolls back down the window and was like, “Hi, how are you doing today?” acting like nothing happened. It was a pretty funny experience also.

Well, those are a couple of things happening here in Charleroi. Life is good. I am having a fun and great time serving the Lord. Oh, it was way funny. One of the mornings this week, Elder Simonson and I did a work out. We did lunges, where you work out your legs. We did 351! Afterward our legs hurt so bad we couldn’t even walk. Then the next day it was the same thing. It was pretty funny, we couldn’t even sit down. My legs are still a little sore still but it’s all good.

Well, I hope everything is going great. The mission is great and I love being here. Well, I love you all and hope you have a great week and I will talk to you next week. TTFN LOVE ELDER WALKER

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