Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 17, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? Well, things here are going good? Sorry if this e-mail is a little short, I don’t have much time. Well, things here are going good. We have had to do a lot of traveling here. Tuesday we had to go to Amien for Elder Whitecar’s legality so we spent the night there. On Wednesday we came back. Then Thursday we had to go to Paris. We were able to spend the night in Paris with the zone leaders there. On Friday Elder Whitecar went up to Belgium to get his Belgie legality. I stayed in Paris for the day to work there and it was awesome. I loved Paris! I worked in the visitor center and it was really cool. It was very fun. I also got to see a lot of missionaries there I have never seen before so it was cool to get to know them. Then we had to go back to Le Havre the same day. So, we got back late and then on Sunday we had to go to Caen to have a district conference. It was fun to go. I got to see the members in Coutance again and all the other people I met. We also found out that this will be the last Conference because the district is splitting up. Caen, Rouen, and Le Havre are going to be in the Paris Stake. Allençon will be in the Angers Stake and Coutance and Cherbourg will be under the mission, so the mission will watch over them. That means that the Caen district is no more. It is a change but pretty cool. A lot of the members are excited so hopefully it will be great.

Real fast - investigators are good. W didn’t fix a baptism date with Donatien but I will have to tell you about that the next time. Sorry this is short, I have one min. left. I love you and hope you have a great week.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? It was great to talk to you on Mother’s Day. It was the best part of the day. I am truly grateful to have a family like all of you. I love you all so much and am truly grateful for your support and your love that you give me.

So how was everybody’s day? Well, this week has been a good week and we had some great rendez-vous. Yesterday we had an appointment with one of our investigators, Donatien. It was probably one of the best rendez-vous I have ever had. He was telling us that he told the lord that he would always follow him. Then he came to France to do studies and go to school. Then he met the missionaries. He had wanted to get baptized for a long time but things just kept coming up and he would get too stressed out. He would want to wait because he wanted it to be calm and relaxing. So we put off the baptism date. Then Sunday came around and he wanted to talk about baptism so we fixed a rendez-vous for yesterday. Well, we go to his house and he told us that he wants to get baptized and he cannot put it off any longer. He told us that every time he was almost ready Satan was trying to stop him. He told us though that he wanted to get baptized ASAP. YA BOY! He then shared his testimony and it was so strong. I know that he knows that this is the true church. It was awesome and it was just one of the best rendez-vous I have had on my mission. So, Thursday we are going over and giving him a baptism calendar and everything. It is great! I am so excited! He is so ready to get baptized and he will make a great member.

Well, so that was our good news of the week. We also had a couple of other rendez-vous and they were great also. This week is also going to be lots of fun. We have to go to Amiens for Elder Whitecars legality. We will be gone tonight and tomorrow and then Thursday we have a district meeting in Rouen. So, we will be gone then as well. We are going to be all over the place this week. Next week we have to go over to Paris to have a leadership training....So much traveling. I am going to be sick of trains by the end of these two weeks.

Well family, I love you and it was so cool to talk to you the other day. I hope you have a great day and I will talk to you later.

May 3, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? I hope everything is great! Well, so how was everyone’s week? Well, this was the first week of the transfer and to tell you the truth it kind of was horrible. Wednesday was transfer day and we had to go to Rouen to be with Elder Ingram. We did this because we cannot be alone on transfer days. So we get up at 5 in the morning to head over to Rouen to get there by 7. Well we get off the train because we didn’t want to go to Pairs. Good news and bad news about that. First good news. The good news is that we didn’t go to Paris but bad news is our cell phone went to Paris without us.....Ya we left our phone on the train that was going to Paris. Ya - not good not good. So this whole week we have not had a phone and we still don’t have a phone to this minute. Let me tell you a couple of things. MISSIONARY WORK IS VERY HARD TO DO IF YOU DONT HAVE A PHONE! It reminds me of the old days when they didn’t have phones. Well, it is very hard because we can’t get a hold of our investigators or anyone. Good news is that we should get it back today though. Luckily, the elders in Paris found it and gave it to Pres. Staheli and he gave it to our branch pres. So, we should get it today. So it has been fun without a phone. It is very hard though to work. We can’t fix rendez-vous or get a hold of our investigators, but all should be well.

Friday was also a good day. We had a country night at our church were a member was teaching them how to line dance, it was great. They also asked us to make a chili for the night. So we found a good recipe and made some American chili for our country night. A lot of members really liked it so that is really cool. It was a fun night.

This past week there was an 8year old who got baptized. It was pretty cool to see that. Well, got to go family. I am excited to talk to you on Mother’s Day. Hey - Dad and Shann - what time is best for you to call? Please let me know. I love you.

TTFN Love Elder Walker

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

April 26, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? I hope everyone is doing great. Well, Happy Easter. Did everyone have a fun time and a great Easter? Did you all do something fun - like go Easter egg finding? Well, we didn’t do much here. In church though we did have 9 investigators there, which was really cool. In church we didn’t do anything big. We had a couple of talks but I didn’t really pay attention, because I was stuck between to investigators who kept talking, but it was all good. We did however have the Easter bunny come. He didn’t come to our house but apparently he went over to a members house and hid chocolate bunny’s in there garden. They had a note that said, “Give to the missionaries”. So that was cool.

Well, we didn’t do much this week. We had a good meeting with some of our investigators though. We have this one investigator who lives here that moved to Canada. He is back for a couple of weeks however, so we went to see him. The cool part is he is deaf, but he can read our lips. Another cool part is that he was a mute and couldn’t talk, but he taught himself to talk. He is really cool. He is an artist and he told us before we leave that he will draw us a picture of Mont Saint Micheal or Etretat. He is cool. He has come to church for a long time as well. We finally had a rendez-vous with the investigator who we wanted to set a baptism date with. We went over there and he told us that he may be leaving to go back to Africa for 3 months to do an internship. So that was some sad news. He is also really stressed out because of school. I hope that everything will go well with him and everything will work out with his internship. HIs friend, Joseph, who he brought to church, is doing awesome. He even brought a friend to church which is more awesome. We have been teaching Joseph. We taught him about the Plan du Salut (plan of salvation). It went well. He had some good questions. Some questions got in to some deep doctrine, but we fixed it and it ended up being a great rendez-vous.

The work is going really good here in Le Havre. Elder Whitecar is really excited to be staying another transfer together. We have some great investigators and things are really going strong here. So, funny story or stories. Elder Whitecar and I are wondering were president has sent us. There has been some weird stuff happing to us. First, we had a less active live in this one part of town. So, we go there. While there we found a drunk guy who ends up stealing my plaque and the only we could get it back was to give him a BOM. We finally got away. So we go back a couple of days later...might I say bad mistake on our part, but we go back and we ended up having a drunk prostitute start hitting on Elder Whitecar. She put her arm around him. So, then we hurried and just got out of there. It was so bad. So, we don’t get to far away when we stopped and we were talking. Just then a bird poops right between us - we just ran. That place is cursed I tell you, cursed. We decided to never go back there again. Next time we don’t know what will happen. There have also been a lot of other things that have happened this past week. We were walking and we heard this shatter sound - like a window breaking. So we turn around and saw this guy steal a purse out of a car. He then walks right between us and he meets his friend that was in front of us. They start walking off. We were following them and then they saw us. They ran and when we found them again they didn’t have the purse. They ran into a part of the city where we dared not be going. But I mean it was in the middle of the day and he breaks a window and steals a purse! He walked right by us and these other 5 people and we were just in ahh! We didn’t do anything else after that. There are some weird people here man - weird people. This place is funny, but I love it. Well got to go family and friends. I hope you have a great week.

Lots of Love - ELDER WALKER