Monday, March 8, 2010

March 8, 2010

Hey, how is everyone doing? I hope everything is going great. Well, this week was awesome. It was transfer week. On Wednesday, Elder Caywood and I went to the train station with Elder Mitchell to pick up his new companion, Elder Paorli. He is a francaphone (speaks fluent French) and he is from France. So I am way excited to have a French person staying in the same apartment as us. It will help me with my French so much.

On Thursday, it was awesome. The sisters asked us to go teach with them so they could give us the investigator after. We taught about Joseph smith and the Book of Mormon. Then after I invited him to be baptized in French and he said “yes” he wants to be baptized!!!!! It was awesome. It was so cool. Then, after that I think I lost about 10 years of my life because of 2nd hand smoke. We went to a former investigators house and it smelled like smoke way bad. When we left my clothes smelt so bad and my head hurt so badly after being around that. She used to have a baptism date and she has read the whole Book of Mormon. But something happened and now she doesn’t believe in Joseph Smith being a real prophet. We are going there again but if she doesn’t change we are going to have to drop her.

Well, it was funny. One day we ran into a preacher and we were talking and we wanted an appointment with him. But he was saying if we go over to his house he will convert us to his religion, so that was pretty funny.

Well, besides that not much has been going on. On Sunday they asked me to teach the English investigators class on the law of chastity. No one was there so I didn’t have to teach that class, lucky break. It was awesome, after church someone asked for a blessing and they asked me to give the blessing. It was awesome. It was the first blessing that I have given in my whole life. I have been in them but not the one giving them, it was so cool.

Well, that is about what happened this week. Next week we have our zone conference because the Paris mission does them in the beginning of the transfer instead of the end. Then we have interviews at the end of the transfer, so that is how that goes. It is kinda cool, my mission president, President Staheli was the personal secretary for President Gordon B. Hinckley. That is so cool. Well, not much else has been going on. I just want to say I love you all and hope you all have a great week. TTFN LOVE ELDER WALKER (JE T´AIME) in French that’s “I love you.”

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