Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Call Home

On Monday January 18th Chris left the MTC and headed over to Belgium. He had to catch the plane really early in the morning and then had a layover in Atlanta Georgia. While he was in Atlanta he was able to call home and talk to us for a bit. It was so fun to hear from him. My mom was on her phone in the bedroom, Dennis was on the phone in the kitchenand Britt and I shared the phone in the basement. Ben came over half way through and he took a turn on the basement phone. He sounds so different all ready...more grown up. It is amazing how much he has changed in such a short time. He told us about his travels and some funny stories from the MTC. He was so funny and wouldn't give out much information. We would ask him a question and he would give us a one word answer. We had to ask a lot of questions. We had a good time talking with him though. We were sad when we had to say good bye. He sent a package home with lots of pictures and things he didn't want to take with him to Belgium. It was fun to look through them and see funny pictures of the things missionaries do in the MTC. We are so excited for him and can't wait to hear all about his adventures in Belgium.

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