Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? Well, this past week has been great. It was a hard week though, not too many rendez-vous but we fixed a lot of rendez-vous for this next week. We have about 10 at the moment which is really good. We also had a very cool thing happen this week. Well, it actually started about 2 weeks ago or a 1week and a half. But we were on this tram thing and we were speaking English. When we got up there was this girl who looked at us and asked if we were American. It turns out she is American also. She is from Nebraska. So we get talking and she asked why we were here so we told her. Then we asked why she was here. We thought maybe for studies or something, because she wasn’t that old. We found out that her husband plays pro basketball here in France and he is on the Le Havre team - which is really cool by the way. Then she asks if we liked basketball, we of course said yes. Then she asked if we would like to go to a game and she could get us tickets. So we talked about it and told her that would be cool. So we gave her our card hoping she would call us and we could go. We were also hoping to talk about why we are there and what our message is. So a couple of weeks go by. Then Saturday comes around and Elder Whitecar and I were talking. We were saying just like “hey, you know there is a basketball game today.” Then we were like, “I don’t think she is going to call us.” Well around 3 or 3:30 we get a text message saying, “Hey, I didn’t forget about you, If you still want to go give me a call.” So we gave her a call and ended up going to the game. They also gave us front row tickets which was sweet. And the game was awesome - they won. The best part was when we were talking to them after. We met also her friend who is from Philly and lived in California. Her husband plays on the same team. So we talked with them and they are so cool. We were talking about religion and how it’s hard here. One of them said, “Ya, when my husband and I moved here we were looking for a church.” Then they started to ask us what we do and why we are here. It was really cool. Then the husbands came out and I loved it. It was so American mixed with French. He said, "YO ça va" no one says that here. Elder Whitecar and I were just in ah. We were just thinking to ourselves, “that is so American.” Well we talked with them and they were awesome also. One of them asked if we could help him with his French. We said yes and gave him our card. They were so cool and I hope we can see them again. I know they were looking for a church when they came here so maybe we can meet them again and explain more of our religion. They were AWESOME!!!!!!!!! It was so funny also. When the husbands came out they came and shook our hands.....dang they were huge. His hand was the size of my face and he had to be like freaking tall - 6'6 or 6'8. After they invited us to go to the V.I.P. party thing where the sponsors had some treats and drinks for after the game. They had tickets for us to go also. Unfortunately we had to say no. It was getting late and we had to get back. They were really cool. I hope and pray we can see them again and talk more. They seemed really cool and interested in what we do and I hope we can see them again. Another thing that is awesome is CONFERECE GENERAL OR GENERAL CONFERECE IN ENGLISH! It’s the same just backward in French. But ya, General Conference this weekend. Oh ya! I love general. It is so great. It is a great time to learn and grow. We get to watch all of the sessions, but the Sunday afternoon one because of the time change. But it is all good. A little bit about our investigators. Donatien is doing really great. He came to church but he worked right after so we didn’t have time to talk about the baptism. We have a rendez-vous with him on Thursday. We also have another investigator, Françoise Daniel, who we have a meeting with tonight. So I hope that is all good. So that is our life. I am loving it. It is great! I love being here. I hope you all have a great week and an awesome General Conference. Well, Love Ya TTFN LOVE ELDER WALKER

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