Monday, April 4, 2011

April 4, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? Did everyone love conference? I sure did. We only got to watch the Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Priesthood, and Sunday morning sessions. I didn’t really understand a lot of the Sunday morning one. The reason why is we had an investigator come to church and watch it. So I watched it in French with her. Let me tell you I had such a headache. Trying to convert or translate all the talks in my head. Oh, my head was throbbing. I understood a lot, but they were using words I have never heard of. The next part was it was freaking hot and I was falling asleep. French didn’t help that at all either. It was still good though. When President Monson came on though, I ran back to the English room to watch it. I still loved all of conference. It was really good. I have truly come to love conference. I remember when I was at home and thinking, ”yes, conference, going to the family room in my pj’s then pulling out my game boy and playing games while watching it or listening to it.” If I was in fact doing that. Now I am like YES GENERAL CONFERECE! Grab my note book and a pen and take pages of notes. I also love reading and going back on the internet to listen to them over and over again. I have truly fallen in love with General Conference. I liked all of the talks. They were really good. Talking about the temples and loving one another and how we can give service to one another also. So, how did everyone there like General Conference? I hope everyone had a good one and they learned a lot. It is a great time to learn and grow.

Well, this week was also great. I had to go down Wednesday to Rouen to give their investigator a baptism interview. When we got there she told us that her family found out and they are not happy with her. So, she wanted to wait and see what was going to happen. She is cool though and she is ready to be baptized. I hope everything goes well. I know they have a rendez-vous with them today so, hopefully it goes well. Well, our investigators are doing great. We had one of them come to the Conference. It was Françoise Daniel. I think she loved it. I also think Elder Bednar’s talk was great for her about revelation and all that jazz. Our other investigator, Donatien, is doing good. We have not been able to have an appointment with him in some time though because of school. He just finished his tests so maybe soon we can meet with him. His friend though that he brought to church is elect. We had an appointment with him and it was sick! I can see him getting baptized soon. Well, things here are going great. Our investigators are doing awesome also. Well, today we went and saw some cliffs out by the coast. They were pretty cool. I will have to see if I can send some pictures home. They were pretty cool. We went with the elders from Rouen and it was awesome. Well I have got to go. Love ya -- TTFN LOVE ELDER WALKER

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