Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? Well, sorry I didn’t get the message out to you on Saturday if I am staying or going. We didn’t have time to check our e-mail because we were helping a family move. After the move we had a big general priesthood meeting at Caen so we didn’t have time. But - the elders from Rouen told us what is happing. Actually though, I already knew what was going to happen. I got a call Friday morning from the assistants so that is how I already knew. They actually called to tell me President Staheli felt inspired to call me as a district leader. Sweet! I said yes. I am staying here though but I am getting a new companion. His name is Elder Scott Whitecar. This will be his 3rd transfer. I haven’t heard much about him, but what I have heard is that he is pretty cool. So I am excited about that. Well, being the district leader means I just have a couple more responsibilities. I have to teach district meetings, do exchanges and take numbers down. Besides that I still have the same responsibilities as all of the other missionaries. It should be a good learning experience though and I am excited. I know the Lord will be there to help me out, but I am very excited. Well, besides that this week was pretty cool. Last Tuesday we went to a choir concert at a church and it was really cool. It was an all girl choir because it was for the Women’s Day here in France. It was really cool and I loved it. They sang some great music. There was a really great spirit there - really peaceful. It brought back some good memories from when I was in the Bountiful choirs. I really liked it and I was glad we were invited. We also had some great rendez-vous with our investigators. We have an investigator named Françoise who is really cool. She comes to church every week and is just awesome. She told us though that she has not been feeling an answer to know if this is the true church or not. She likes the stuff we teach and she really likes the Plan of Salvation. She told us she wants to believe it’s true but can’t get an answer. We know she has felt the spirit but she may just not recognize it. So, this past week we taught about the Holy Ghost and how to feel the spirit and what he does for us and the feelings he gives us. It was a really good lesson. We also asked her to bring a question to church on a piece of paper and if she listens and has the faith we promised her that she will get an answer. So hopefully she did and we will be able to see her again this week. We also have another Amie whose name is Donatien. He is cool. He is the one that wants to be baptized. We have a rendez-vous with him tonight and we want to invite him to be baptized. It should be a great rendez-vous. Oh, and last Sunday he brought a friend to church. His friend took notes the whole church block and he loved every minute of it. He told us that he was so grateful for his friend inviting him. I think he has got some great potential. He couldn’t come to church yesterday because he was sick but he wants to see us again and get a Book of Mormon. Awhile back we ran into an inactive person on the bus. She was in Paris and just moved up here in Le Havre and then she met us. We have been working with her and it has been awesome. She came to church again yesterday and loved it. Then we had a little family night at a members’ house where she came and we had a good time. She has started to read the Book of Mormon again and loves it. It is so cool and we have another rendez-vous with her and she wants to come to church next week. We also had a missionary workshop at our ward where we had to talk about the Book of Mormon and how we can use it in our lives. We also talked about how we can share it with our friends. It was really good. So that was our week. It was really good. I liked it a lot and I liked the priesthood meeting. I also got to see some of the members in the Coutance branch because they were there at the meeting also. It was fun to see them. Well family, I love you and hope you have a great week. Bye!
Here is Chris, Elder Hayden and their Boo Boos...too funny!

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