Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January 29, 2011

Hey how is it all going? Well I got some news about transfers. Well here ya go. I am leaving, and Elder Gull is leaving also. They are closing our companionship here in coutance....Ya I am actually going to Le Havre with Elder Hayden. If you have seen pricnes bride when they are climbing the clifts before the sword fight. Those clifts are actually in Le Havre. So that will be cool. I will also become a step father in the mission becasue Elder Hayden just left his father or tranner and this will be his 2nd transfer so I will be his 2nd comp. So that will be cool. Well here is my address:

Les Missionnaires
Elder Christopher Walker
49 rue Jules Siegfried
76600 Le Havre

Well I love you family and I hope you have a great day talk to you probably tuesday. By --TTFN LOVE ELDER WALKER

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