Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 1, 2011

Hey family, how are things? Well, things here are good - just trying to get everything ready for transfers. We did find out that they are sending a senior couple here to Coutance. So, we have to also get the apartment ready for them. So, this should be fun. Well, I also found out that my transfer day tomorrow will be fun as well.......ha right..... Let’s see what I have to do. I have to drive to Caen, then I take an hour long train ride to another place, I forgot what it is called. Then I have to take a bus to Rouen where I will meet my companion. Then another hour and a half train ride to Le Havre....It is going to be a long day. It is also going to be fun to carry everything from train to bus to train. But, when I get to Le Havre, Elder Hayden will be there to meet me so that will be good. So, pop quiz. Where is my new companion from? Any guesses? Well, I found out that he is actually from Austria, which is pretty sweet. I have no clue as to where that is but, oh well, I am excited. This will be his 2nd transfer and I have heard he is really spiritual and try’s to follow the spirit the best he can and he is a really hard worker. So I am excited to get to see him and see how he is doing. It should be a great transfer. I guess the work is going really well there. They had 6 investigators at church and they are teaching some part member family so things should be good. I was able to talk to him a little and we are both excited to get to work.

Besides that I have to say that this week, once we got the e-mail, kinda slowed way down for us. Because there won’t be missionaries here for about 4 weeks, we had to tell all our investigators. We also had to clean the apartment and then we couldn’t really do anything. We tried to see our investigators but they were not home. We can’t see the members so there is not much we can do. But we have a rendez-vous with one of our members, the branch pres., tonight. It will be our last one so I hope it goes well. So, I have to say that I love vacuum bags. They are the best. Just put everything in, vacuum all the air out and throw it in the luggage. So, they are nice. Oh, I almost forgot, Elder Gull and I are leaving. So, I am going to Le Havre and Elder Gull is going to Soisson. Soisson is just north of Paris. So, it should be fun for him. His trainer served there and told him some things and he told me he never wanted to serve there - now he is. Things should be good for him though and I think he will like it. He is with a francophone so he is excited for that. I think he will have fun.

So, that has been our week. Yesterday we went with the elders from Cherbourg to Mont Saint Michel again, and it was good. We got in for free so that was really nice. I didn’t take that many pictures though because I have already been there, but it was fun to go again. So, lately I have been getting ready for the move. We are going to have to clean up our apartment again because we kinda got it a little dirty with everything while we were getting packed, but it is ok. So, that is our week - just trying to get everything ready to go tomorrow. Well, that is all that is going on. I will probably go back to e-mails on Monday again. I will have to write and tell you all about my first week. It should be fun and I am way excited. Well family, I love you and hope you have a great day and week.


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