Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 14, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? Well, things here are good. Some fun things have happened. Well, we have been really busy lately. Most nights we get home and plan for the next day, then, if we have a little time, eat something light and go to bed. We then wake up at 6:30 again and start all over. Well first things first. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY. I hope everyone will have a great day. Well, the French people celebrate it here but it is not too big, but it is good. Well let me tell you about my area. We live in centre-ville or the center of the city. We are about 5-10 min walk away from the ocean which is pretty cool. The average weather here is cloudy with a chance of rain one day and the next day is a chance of rain with clouds. Then the day after that is rain. The next day is cloudy with a chance of rain. Ya, that’s my weather...that’s Normandy for ya in the winter. But we had about 3 days of sun. I couldn’t believe it. I have only seen the sun about 7 times here in Normandy and then we had 3 days in a can only mean one thing. It’s the end of the world....but the next day it rained again. So ya! It is so funny - the sun came out and we were like, “look it is the sun” then 10 minutes later it is cloudy and windy...ya, but you know what - I love it here. I love Normandy. I feel like it is my home away from home. So that is the average weather. Ok, other things, it is not a bad size of a city. I really like it. I think I am going to like it here. They are doing a lot of construction because they are putting in a tram. So the roads are all messed up but what can you do, its life.

Well, the members here are awesome too. They are really getting into the mission work. There is always someone available to come teaching with us if we need to have someone. We also have one Soeur Porrier who is awesome. She invites friends to learn more and everything. She is so nice also. Every once in a while she will make some food and put it in the fridge in the church for us. She will send us a text or call and say, “I left some food for you at the church.” So, Elder Hayden and I are ok - we will not complain. We also have one member who loves Utah. She goes there every year or something like that. It is kinda sad though, she has a BYU bag. I told her she needed to buy a U of U one. So, hopefully it will go well. Well, the work here is going great also. We have a couple amies (investigators) who have some great potential. One named Donatien who is a student about 30 years old who has great faith. He told us he wanted to be baptized after he is done with his studies. So, that will be cool. He is so ready on the spiritual level and he promised to come to church next week also. We have another one named Festus. He has been investigating the church for some time and he wants to get baptized - but he lives with his girlfriend so, we need to work on that. We have another one named Françoise who is awesome. She didn’t believe too much in Christ and she didn’t believe her mom believed either. But, not too long ago her mom died and she found a bible with her mom’s testimony in it. I was about how she always believed in Christ and she knows that the scriptures are true and everything. So that really touched her alot and I think she has some great potential. So those are just some of the people we are working with.

I have a story - I never thought a 2 year old girl could make me feel so low in my life. We were at a member’s house and they have a little girl. I have some fun stickers on my name tag so I showed them to her. She took my name tag and started looking at them. This is the name tag that goes on your pocket by the way. She grabs it and she breaks it almost in to two. It was like it broke my heart. I was depressed for the next 3 days. Just joking! It is all good though. I fixed it with a little super glue and I have an extra one as well. So it is all good. Well, Elder Hayden and I are great. We are getting along and everything is going well.

This week I have found some old general conference magazines. I have been reading those this week. They are back from 2002 and 2003 so they are good. Well, I love you family and hope you have a great week. Next week we are planning to do e-mails on Tuesday because we can do them for free at this other place. To do them here it is about 4 Euros an hour. So, next week the e mail will be on Tuesday probably. Well I love you family. Have a great week

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