Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25, 2011

Bonjour Family! Comment ça va? Well, things are going great here. It has been a good week with the work. Well, not the best but all you can do is try even harder the next week. Well, this week we were able to see all, but one of our investigators, but it is alright. It was Richard, the Canadian, who we were not able to see this week. But the good news is that we have called him every night to talk to him and help him stop smoking. Our other investigators are doing very good. The mother and daughter team is doing well but are in the middle of moving at the moment. I believe that they have to be out by the 28th, so hopefully everything will be good. They said they are too busy for us to go and see them but maybe we can go and help them move and do some service for them. I hope everything goes well with them and things will go great. They said they are going to stay in our area which is pretty big, but hopefully they will stay so that we can still teach them. We also have another investigator, Sonia, who just left for 15 days so we won’t be able to see her for some time. She went to St. Nazaire to help with her sister who is pregnant and about ready to have a new born. So, she is there to help her out. So, she will come back after transfers.... We will talk about transfers in a min. So that is the news about them so far. We also have a sweet African, Adolph. We taught him last Friday and he told us that he was not going to get baptized again unless the spirit tells him to get baptized. So, we are working on that. He reads everything we give him and he has started the Book of Mormon from the beginning, and that is sweet. Things are going good for him. We still need to find away to get him to church. So, hopefully we will be able to do that. So, that is what is going on with our investigators.

Well, let’s talk about transfers for a little moment. Transfers are next Wednesday. So, things are coming up. We will find out this Saturday if we stay or go. So Saturday we will find out and I will write a quick e-mail and tell you what is happening. I can’t believe this transfer is already over. The time has just flown by....question - does anyone know how to slow down time? If you do, can you please tell me? JK. But ya things are going good and this transfer just flew by.

Ok on to other things. This week our Branch President/DMB took us to go see Mont Saint Michel just for a moment. His wife was gone so he quickly drove us down there and we took a couple of pictures and then he drove us back. It was cool. While we were there we decided to run up the stairs of this place. There are a ton of stairs and they are steep. By the time we got to the top we could barely catch our breath, but it was fun and we had a good time. There is not much else that has been going on here. Things have been good. I have been reading Jesus the Christ a lot lately. I started it a while back then I just slowly, very slowly, read it and kinda stopped. But now I picked it back up and started reading it again. It is a really good book. I love reading it and learning more and more every day. I also have been reading the Book of Mormon, in French, which is going great. It has helped a lot with the language also. The reading has been good. I find new words all the time. Right now I am in Alma 55 which talks about all the wars going on. I just read where the 2000 stripling warriors just came into the story so things should be good. I have also made it a goal to study out of Prechez mon Evangile (Preach my Gospel) everyday. It has been great. I love it! I learn new things everyday that help me become a better missionary and a better person. It is a great book and it is not just for missionaries, but for the whole family. It is made for everyone one so that is one thing I like about the book. We can all learn from it. Learn more about the gospel, how to study, recognize the spirit and much more. It truly is a great book.

Well, that is about all that is going on right now. Things have been hard this transfer but hopefully we can get thing going here in Coutances. We have set some goals to do better with the work and hopefully things will get going. Well, I love you family and hope you have a great day and a great week. Je vous Aime


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