Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 4, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? Well, things here are going good for right now. The work has been a little slow lately but everything should be good soon. Well, we can start off with our investigators... well, it has been sad. We have lost contact with our baptism date and we have not been able to see her for about 2 weeks now. I hope everything is fine and that she just had to go somewhere the last minute. So that is what is happing with her. Our Canadian friend is doing good. He is having a really hard time with his wife right now but he told us on Sunday that by tomorrow or Tuesday everything should be fine. He also told us that he will need our help again to get back in touch with God. So, hopefully everything will be fine with him and I hope that he will always remember that the Lord is always there. We just need to go towards Him. His arms are always stretched out and we only need to reach up and grab a hold. Well, some of our other investigators just got back into town because they were off having fun on the holidays. So, hopefully we will be able to get a hold of them. We had a rendez-vous with one of them today but right when we got here she called us and said she was sick. So we moved the rendez-vous for Thursday at 3. So, hopefully she will be better and we will be able to go over and see her. The work here has started off slow but hopefully it will pick up. It has been a little sad we lost contact with our baptism date but things will move on and hopefully she will be fine and we will get back in contact with her.

Well, besides all that, this week has been good. For p-day we went up to Nez de Joberg again to show Elder Gull around. We headed back up there and when we got there it wasn’t raining this time so we went to the beach and it was cool – freezing - but cool. So we did that then we headed back to the apartment. Well, I can’t believe it is 2011. Where has the time gone? Well, for New Years we didn’t do much. In our mission for some reason it is treated like a p-day. I don’t know why but it is. So, we just stayed in the apartment all day. We tried to go out to the store but everything, and I mean everything, was closed. There was nothing open so we ended up walking around and heading back to the apartment. At 6pm we went back to work. So, that was our New Years. It was fun though and it was good to get some rest.

Well, Sunday I was put in charge of leading church in sacrament meeting. That was fun. It was my first time but I got through it and everything went great. After church is when we had a rendez-vous with our Canadian friend.

Well, that is pretty much all that is going on here in St Lô - not much. This week has been fun with studies. Studies are my favorite time of the day. I love reading about the gospel and the scriptures. Before the mission I wasn’t a big reader. but now I like reading. I still don’t think I can read 7-8 books in a week like my sisters at Lake Powell, but I think I would be able to get 7-8 chapters read of one book, if we were there. Well, during studies I have been reading the Book of Mormon in French. This has been good. It is cool to read it in another language. I still think I get more out of it in English but the French is cool. I have also been reading Jesus The Christ. I love that book. I haven’t been reading this a lot lately but I want to pick it back up. I have learned so much about our Lord and redeemer Jesus Christ. I love learning more about that. I was listening to a talk lately from John Bytheway about 5 scriptures that will help you get through almost everything. The first one was 1 NEPHI 11:17. It talks about how God loves us. An angel is talking with Nephi and asked him a question. He answers with, “I know God loves his children but I don’t know everything.” So, the first one - God loves his children. The 2nd one is MOSES 7:26-33. It talks about how God allows evil but doesn’t like it basically. The 3rd is in ALMA 14:9-13. It says that our work is not yet finished. That is why we are here because our work is not done. OK - The 4th is ALMA 7:11-12. It talks about Jesus Christ and his atonement for us. It goes through listing all the things his atonement covered. So, that is the 4th one about how the atonement is not just for our sins. -- Ok the last one is D&C 101:32-36. It talks about how in time Jesus Christ will answer our questions. So, those are some scriptures that can help us get through almost everything, Jesus Christ can help us get through everything.

Well family, I love you and hope you have a great week.

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