Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 12, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? I hope everything is going well. Well, things here have been fun. Not much has been going on. This week started off slow, but it turned out to be a good week after all. It started off slow because we didn’t have anything set up but finding. As the week went on we were able to have a member present in one of our lesson. On Sunday, we decided to change it up a little. We went to Grandville to do some contacting. Well, when we got there we started to walk around and this girl just comes up and says, “Hi Elders, how are you?” So, we talked with her and found out she is a member but inactive. We talked with her and gave her the address to the church. That was pretty cool. Then, after that, we were walking around and this guy comes up to us and asks us if we knew where this place was. We told him, “No, we don’t know this area. We are from America.” So we talked and we ended up giving him a live de Mormon (Book of Mormon) and getting his address. So, hopefully everything will work out and he will be interested and we will be able to teach him. So, that should hopefully be good.
What was also cool this week was I went on an exchange with the district leader. Well, Elder Gull went with the district leader and I went with his blue or greeny. I went to Alençon which was a good change for me. It was cool to go to another place and do some work. The elder I went with was named Elder Abel. He is from Washington, Utah and the best part is he is a huge U OF U fan. Oh ya! We talked forever about the U and how the sport teams were doing and everything. It was awesome. He also talked about movies that came out and were about to come out. Pretty much all the movies I missed. I realized now that it was bad because now I want to see those movies....one day - but not to day. My time will come. But it was an awesome exchange and we had a good time. It was great.

Well, we got some news about our little tiny branch here in Coustance. We got a new branch president. It was our DMB or ward mission leader. The sad but not sad part is that we were released as councilors to the president. Our new president may call us again to be councilors but I don’t know. Our branch is really small and everyone has callings already so maybe one of us will be a councilor. I have no clue, but we should find out soon. So, that is what is going on with our branch. Oh ya, it was awesome at church. We had 17 people there. Ya, 2 of them where from the district (stake), but there was still 17. It was awesome. On average our church is about 9 people so almost double. So that was really cool.

Well family I hope everyone had a great week. Hey, I have a question for you. Can you guys send me some pictures of the fam. I haven’t seen recent pictures in some time. The pictures I have are from Wendi and Ben’s wedding. So, it has been some time. I have a couple from Brendon and Kristy’s wedding also. It is just if you want to send them you can. I just thought it would be cool but comme vous voulez. Well, fam I love you and hope you have a great week.


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