Wednesday, September 8, 2010

August 30, 2010

Hey family, how is it going? It has felt like a long time since the last time we talked. Sorry, I never got back to you last week. We were just really busy. Well, no time to lose. I have to write about two weeks, so you better be ready.

Well, transfer day - what a day! Patrick, the member in Charleroi we work with, came and picked me up and took me to the gare (train station). Before I left he gave me a Belgium comic book called Tin Tin (in English it is pronounced Tan Tan) which was pretty cool. He took me to the gare and waited with me until the other elders came. I said goodbye then I got on the train all by myself to go to Paris. It was a nice train ride, not too bad. When I arrived there were a couple of missionaries there to help me get through Paris. I had to go to another station so they helped me on the metro. We got to the other station and I was by myself again waiting for an hour till my train showed up. Finally my train showed up and it took me forever to get to my car. Then when I did, there was no place to put my luggage. So, I stayed with my luggage for the whole trip down to Angers, which sucked because I had a reserved seat on the train that I didn’t get to use. There was also a mom and a little girl riding where I was. During the train ride the little girl threw up, but luckily nothing got on me. Well, after a long trip down to Angers with my luggage, I found my companion and he took us to the apartment. We had a car so that was nice. We have a car for 1 week then the Cholet elders have it for 2 weeks then we get it back. We switch off like that all the time. So, when we get the car back guess who has to learn how to drive a stick? Well, we then had to take Elder Montiney to the train station to get his companion and on the way over we get a flat tire. So, I took off my tie, rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I eventually got the spare tire on but my hands were pitch black and there was no place to wash them. Oh, and by the way, while I was changing the tire I ripped my pants. So now I am walking around with ripped pants and my hands are black with grease and stuff. Well, we drop off the elder and we get back to the apartment to wash up. We then had to go get food because they didn’t get any on p-day. So, we get out to the car and Elder Ellis forgot the keys to the car and to the apartment. He left them in the apartment. So, now we are locked out of the car and our own apartment.....but don’t worry this gets better. We tried calling everyone we could to see if they have a spare key - but no luck. We had English class that night so we headed to the church. No one was there so we eventually got back to the apartment. A member said he could come over to see if he could break in. He came - but no luck. So, now we are out of options and Elder Ellis decides to kick down or open our door.......ya.....well, he kicks it open and the door was fine but the lock - not so much. So, we found some glue and put it back together and the member took us out for a kabob sandwich just to relax. That was my day - flat tire, ripped pants, black hands, locked out of the apartment and to finish it off, a broken lock.

Well, the next day we got some stuff and put it back together and now it is better then what it was. Oh, some time that week, a “Captain Jack Sparrow” contacted us. He didn’t look like him but he had all the actions. He was drunk and he had all the hand motions and everything. It was a little funny until he touched my face. I didn’t like that - not one bit! But, he was cool - just a little special. On Monday it was p-day and I am sorry for not e-mailing you. It was good though. We had to take the car in to get the tire fixed, so we didn’t have a car. But, oh well, I like walking. We had other Elders come over to spend the day with us and also the night because we had zone conference the next day. They came early and spent p-day with us. We went to a sweet castle, the Chateau d'Angers. There they have a tapestry of the Book of Revelations from the Bible. It was SICK, as we say OR AWESOME, as you would say! I even got a book that had it all in it. It was really cool! After that is when Ii wrote you that little e-mail saying I would write later. Then we went back and got things ready for zone conference. Oh, the Assistants to the President came and slept over with us also. We had 6 elders in the apartment - cool huh! Well, early in the morning we had to leave to go and pick up the car. So we did that and headed over to the church for zone conference. We gave the car to the Cholet elders. Zone conference was awesome! We talked about how the spirit is the best tool we have and how in our mission calls we promised to be obedient to all the rules. Pres. Staheli gave us these formulas on how we can find answers, change behavior and more. I will have to write them next week because I don’t have them all with me. Well, after we had to clean up the church and get everything ready. I also got a package from the ward that was really cool. Tell them thank you!

Well, that has been all the big stuff. We have been doing a lot of contacting and a lot of door to door. Just to let you know, we do have a baptism date for the 18th of September. So, that will be cool. He had been investigating the church for a year now, so that is cool. He is also getting married to a member this Saturday, the 4th, that is also awesome. I am excited for him. He is so cool. We are just going to review the commandments with him and he should be good. Last week he taught us about the atonement of the savoir. It was cool from what I understood. Everything should be good.

Well, not much else has been going on. We have been doing a lot of contacting lately and we have had a couple of appointments here and there. Elder Ellis is really cool. He is a great missionary and speaks French really well, so that is cool. Not much is different being Senior Companion. I do have to do a little more work like filling out reports for the secretary. He needs to know about the credit card expense; for example, the repair on the car, buying tickets for transportation and so forth.

Things here are going great. This is a cool place. It is different than Belgium though. The people here are a lot more up tight, but its good. Their French is a little clearer, so it is easier to understand. Some people can’t understand me, so that is funny. Our apartment is pretty ghetto. Our dining room table stands about a foot and a half off the ground and is held up by 8 Book of Mormons. Our oven was in pretty bad shape so they got a new one last transfer, but the gas thing doesn’t fit. We have the worst shower I have ever seen in my entire life. It is so freaking small, and weirdly shaped. I can’t even explain to you how it is. I guess I will just have to send pictures, so that will be good. Our fan is held together by tape and a chair, so ya, well it’s fun though.

Well, things are great. I hope you are all having a great time and I hope you will have a great day today. I love you all and hope you will have a great week. TTFN LOVE ELDER WALKER

P.S. Here is a picture of the castle and a picture of what a missionary does when no one is looking. Love ya!
These last two are of his companion Elder John Ellis.

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