Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26, 2010

Bonjour famille. Vous-allez bien? J'espère. Well, things have been going great this week. Oh by the way HAPPY 24TH OF JULY! I hope you had a great day! It would have been cool to go to the big parade, but maybe in 2012. Well, things are good. Not much has happened this week. I did have to go to Liege, Belgium on Wednesday for our interviews with President Staheli. It sounds like there is a good chance I might be leaving Charleroi after this transfer, because it is Elder Dungun’s last transfer and we have a lot of missionaries coming in. So, there is a good chance I will be leaving. But, oh well, I will go where ever the lord wants me to go and I will be happy. But transfers are not till the 18th of AUG. so I have a little time.

Well, I have to say that I hate my 1st counselor in the bishopric, he is a great guy, really funny, and I love him to bits, but I hate him. The reason why is because he asked me to give another freakin talk in church. Why must I be tortured? This will be my 3rd time I have to get up and say something. Oh well, it is not till the 8th so I have some time to work on one. Now I am very grateful for the MTC when they made us write a talk every week. So, now I can just take one of those and change it up and make it better. It should be fun. It will help with the French also, so that is good.

It was great, on Friday night and all of Saturday I was on a workday or an exchange with the district leader, who is French and speaks very, very, little English - to no English at all. So, it was great to have a whole day were I didn’t speak any English. It helped me out a lot and I was surprised by how much I could actually say and I could understand him very well. I truly know that Heavenly Father has helped me out a ton with the language, because without Him I don’t think I would be this far along. Then, that Saturday night when we switched back we were in our apartment about 9:45 - 10:00 and we hear a bunch of yelling. We look out the window and there is a big huge riot going on. There were cops everywhere with big shields, cops on horses and big huge trucks. I got a little video on my camera it was pretty cool.

Not much else is going on. Our investigator with a baptism date did come to church again so that is great. He is so cool. The only problem is he needs to stop smoking, but we have a plan with him and we are going to help him, so that is good. He loves church and likes the lessons and wants to stop smoking also. So, I am pretty happy about that.

Well, not much else is going on this week. I have another workday with the district leader, but with the other elder, Elder Berrett. So, I am looking forward to that. Things are going great. I am buying an envelope today right when I am done with e-mails to send my memory card home, so that should be good. Things are going great. Charleroi is awesome! I love it here. It is such a great experience to be here serving the Lord. I have found so much joy being here testifying about the restored gospel. I love you all and hope you have a great week.

Félicitation (congratulations) Abby on the mission call to Russia. That is so cool. You will have a ton of fun on the mission. It’s Awesome!!!!!!!

Hey, I know I am early, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRITT, on the 29th. I hope you will have a great day.

Well, I love ya and hope you will all have a great week and remember to stay bright eyed, bushy tailed, and eager to excel. Love ya, LOVE ELDER WALKER

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