Thursday, July 15, 2010

July 12, 2010

Hey everybody, how are things? Things here are great. There are a lot of things that have happened this week. This week as I looked back on it went by fast but it was really, really long. Monday after p-day we had a dinner appointment with a member. That’s all we did there. Tuesday I went with the other companionship to have them pass me there investigators. We went to an Africans house and had African food; it wasn’t the best. It was pretty bad! Then that night we had another dinner appointment with our DMP (ward mission leader) where we had kous kous. I have no clue how to spell it or what in the world it is, but we had it and we ate it. Then we played a little game and went home. Then around 11 o clock at night a fight broke out in front of our apartment and we watched that for a little bit. Wednesday, transfer day, we had to get up at 5:15 to help Elder Simonson get to the train station. And let me tell ya, I was not feeling well after eating the African food and that kous kous or whatever it was. I was sick! After that we dropped Elder Simonson off and then came back. Then, about an hour later, we had to take Elder Broadway to the train station and get him off. Then we went to the sister’s apartment to help them take their stuff from their apartment to the train station also. By the time we got back to the apartment it was only 9 am. Then can you guess what we did? We went back to the train station to pick up my companion, Elder Dungan. We went to get him a bus pass and headed back to the apartment once again. We had a little lunch and helped out Elder Berrett with teaching some people. Can you guess what happened next? We went back to the train station to get Elder Berrett’s companion, Elder Prunier, who is French. So, we went to the train station 5 times that day, 5 times carrying luggage back and forth, back and forth. Oh, what a joy it was and it was really hot, so that did not help one bit.

That was just a fun transfer day. Well Elder Dungan and I had to get a lot of stuff sorted out because we had the other companionships investigator and ours. So, we had to do some planning on that part. OK, OK, get this. We have a 4 man apartment. They are moving the other companionship, Charleroi 1, to the sister’s old apartment. So now we have a 4 man apartment all to ourselves. I have no clue why they did that because now they have to pay for two apartments instead of just one and our apartment is big just for 2 people. I guess it is because there are a lot of missionaries coming in the next transfer, so there is a chance they are going to move back and reopen the other companionship, so they need a place to live.

Well, there has been some cool stuff going on here. Yesterday we were just walking down the road when a car stopped. A man asked if we were the Mormons and did we have a book for him. He said he read some of the Book of Mormon at a friend’s house and wanted to read more and he was way interested. He also has a wife and a kid. So that is hot. Know what else is HOT? We set another baptism date with a guy named David. He is awesome! He is way interested and he wants to come to church and change his life. The date is for September 11, 2010. We tried to set is earlier, but he said he couldn’t stop smoking that fast, but all is well.

A couple of weeks ago I was with Elder Simonson and we helped a member in their ward move to a house shared with a family. The family was renting the top of their house out to a couple of college students, so we helped her move in with this family. A couple of nights ago the member we helped move in called me. She said the family I am staying with really likes you and wants you and your companion over for dinner on Tuesday. I don’t even know this family. I talked to the dad a little bit but we have only seen each other once. It is cool and the best part is they are not members, so we can TEACH AND BAPTIZE them, it’s awesome! The only bad part is they live in Charleroi 1, so we would have to pass them.

Well, everything is going great. I love it here. It is awesome and I am glad to be here on a mission. Well, I love you and hope you all have a great week. Love ya, TTFN LOVE ELDER WALKER

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