Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 15, 2010

Hey, how is everybody doing? I hope it is going great. Well, I got some news this week. The Belgium Brussels Netherlands mission has changed and all the French speaking missionaries are now part of the PARIS FRANCE MISSION. It is cool and sad at the same time. Cool, because I get to go to Paris and now serve in France, but the sad part is President Brubacker is not our mission president anymore. He is the president of the Netherlands now. Our new president is President Stalhey. He was president Brubackers mission president in the field. Oh and no more temple trip for us. So that was big news and the change happens March 1st. I was pretty sad to find out we have to change presidents but it is what the lord wants. There is a reason why we are changing. We just have to find it or we may not find it but, oh well, it is what the lord wants.

Well, besides that everything else is going great. Last Saturday had to be the best day of the mission. I went on an exchange with the zone leaders and it was great. The whole day I was with Elder Cabrara and he taught me a lot. I also contacted a person all by myself in French and I got a guys number. I was so happy (wow I sound like a little kid) but, oh well, it was great contacting someone in French. But I can tell you now I was scared out of my wits.

That was a cool day. Then this week we were kinda boafy (lazy). We had all of our appointments this one day canceled so we did some weekly planning and found something else to do.

The weather here is cold but it’s the humidity that really kills it for me. Its gets cold but I stay warm so that is good.

So that was my big news this week with the mission changing. Belgium will still be in our mission but it will be a part of the Paris mission now. So you don’t have to worry your little heads, I am still a Belgium missionary. All that changed was we lost the Netherlands and got more of France. So, I still can serve in all the same places as before but now they just added more to it like Paris and all the areas around it, so it’s cool.

Well, I love you all and hope you had a great Valentine’s day or Single Awareness Day for us missionaries. I love you all and hope you will have a great week and I will talk to you later.


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