Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? Well like always things here are going great and we are having a fun time. Well, we have had our ups and downs this week. It started off well, ended just under well. I have no clue what that would be called, but it was a good week. So let’s get down to it. Our friend from Egypt is doing great. On Monday we had a family night with him and some members at the member’s house and it went great. We talked about the Parole de sagesse (word of wisdom) and it went ok - a little rough, but the members bore a strong testimony on how living this commandment has changed their lives. We also fixed a baptism date with him for Sept 17. Things were going great. Then we had a rendez-vous with him on Friday and it was a hard rendez-vous. We got through it and we realized that he was not ready. The 17th is this Saturday and he was not ready. He is trying his best and he wanted to get baptized, before he left, if he has to leave. We will find out tonight if he has to leave to go back to Egypt or not. We are hoping he will stay, but if he goes home he said he would be back about the start of November. He would just go back for a month to get his wife (fiancĂ©e) and get some money and come back. So we are praying for him. He loves everything we teach and loves church. He told us that when he comes to our church he fills like he is home and this is where he belongs. It was so awesome to hear his testimony on how he loves church. It is so cool. I love it. So he is doing well. It is a little hard for him at the moment, but hopefully things will work out for him. Then we also have our mother and daughter team who are doing great. The mom left for the weekend but she will be back. They are doing awesome. We want to fix a baptism date with them for the 9th of October and hopefully things will work out for them. We have been teaching the daughter also so she can help us with the rendez-vous. Things are great with them. So hopefully we will be able to fix a baptism date with them and see that miracle. So those are our top two priorities for the moment. We are still looking for some new people to teach and things are going slow. Vacation is finally over and I thought there would be less people here without all the visitors. Was I wrong! There have been more people than ever. All the Parisians (people that live in Paris) left for the summer while all the visitors are here and now it is the other way around. The visitors left and all the Parisians are back and it seems that there are a lot more of them. The metros are always packed and the trains and buses - they are just packed. You are always in someone’s space when you get on the metro. It is funny - when the metro is packed when it comes to the stop more people try to get on. You are tighter then a pack of sardines. You are back to back and everyone is crammed into a little spot. It is funny. I have a good laugh every time. Paris is fun. I am having a good time. It takes a lot of energy out of you though - running from end to end, up and down stairs (let me tell you after Paris I don’t think I ever want to see stairs again in my life.) We get a work out every day with those stairs. You are at the bottom and by the time you get to the top your legs are killing you. But one thing - is it is a good work out so you’ve got to love it. Well family, my time is coming to an end here today. I want to let you know that I love you and hope you will have a great week – BYE.

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