Friday, November 11, 2011

October 31, 2011


So, how is everyone doing? Well this week has been great!!!!!! Our investigator Claire got baptized! Oh yaaaah!!!! It was a great baptism yesterday. It was so good! Well let’s start off at the start of the week though. After the call last Sunday saying she wanted to be baptized, we said we would have to see her every day and we did. It was so cool. We also had some great members with us who came and helped out a lot. Probably if it was not for the members I don’t know if she would have made it yesterday. The members helped out so much. They gave her a friend at church, helped her stop smoking, and change her life. They helped her with questions when we were not around. They did so much and I am so grateful for them. It was so cool to see someone change their whole life and turn it around. It was also cool to see that happen in a week. Every day that we saw her you could tell something was different and that she had a testimony of the gospel of Jésus-Christ. It was a cool experience that I am glad that Heavenly Father gave me. To see someone change like that for the better has strengthened my testimony that I know this church is true and that with the Lords help you can get through anything. Then Sunday, yesterday, was a great day. We had a lot of people at the baptism and it was great. We were scared that there would not be a lot there because it is fall break, but we had a good turnout. What was also cool - her friend from Georgia, USA came to baptize her. He got here in France around 11:20 Sunday morning then at night we had the baptism. So he was pretty tired after a long flight and then a long day. It was all good. It was a beautiful day and we all felt the spirit. So that was a pretty cool thing that we were able to have this week. Another thing that happened was Monday night president called us. This was around 9:30 at night telling us, “Oh by the way elders tomorrow you will have a mini missionary with you. So you will have to come to Versailles tomorrow to pick him up.” We told him we had a rendez-vous at that time and he said well you have to come. So we worked it out and he ended up going on a 3-way exchange with us and the 2 companionships in Paris - Lilas. It worked out and it was all good. So we had a mini missionary with us for 3 days. It was good.His name is Marc and he is from Evry, which is just south of Paris. He was pretty cool. He helped us out a lot. He is very, very shy but he had a good testimony and helped out in the rendez-vous. It was pretty cool to have him with us. So that was our week. Things are going pretty good for us.

Well, real fast, our investigator Cherif from Egypt - things are hard with him. I don’t know what we are going to do but we will still try to work with him. Graciela is doing great. She left to go out of town this week to go see her husband down south. She couldn’t come to church but she is still progressing and things are going great. She will get baptized soon - not sure when but soon. So that is all that we have right now. So that is how things are for us. This week is going to be spent doing a lot and a lot of contacting. So we have a lot of things to do this week...right! Well, it will be good. We need some new investigators so everything is great. Well, I love you and take care.


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