Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? It was great to talk to you on Mother’s Day. It was the best part of the day. I am truly grateful to have a family like all of you. I love you all so much and am truly grateful for your support and your love that you give me.

So how was everybody’s day? Well, this week has been a good week and we had some great rendez-vous. Yesterday we had an appointment with one of our investigators, Donatien. It was probably one of the best rendez-vous I have ever had. He was telling us that he told the lord that he would always follow him. Then he came to France to do studies and go to school. Then he met the missionaries. He had wanted to get baptized for a long time but things just kept coming up and he would get too stressed out. He would want to wait because he wanted it to be calm and relaxing. So we put off the baptism date. Then Sunday came around and he wanted to talk about baptism so we fixed a rendez-vous for yesterday. Well, we go to his house and he told us that he wants to get baptized and he cannot put it off any longer. He told us that every time he was almost ready Satan was trying to stop him. He told us though that he wanted to get baptized ASAP. YA BOY! He then shared his testimony and it was so strong. I know that he knows that this is the true church. It was awesome and it was just one of the best rendez-vous I have had on my mission. So, Thursday we are going over and giving him a baptism calendar and everything. It is great! I am so excited! He is so ready to get baptized and he will make a great member.

Well, so that was our good news of the week. We also had a couple of other rendez-vous and they were great also. This week is also going to be lots of fun. We have to go to Amiens for Elder Whitecars legality. We will be gone tonight and tomorrow and then Thursday we have a district meeting in Rouen. So, we will be gone then as well. We are going to be all over the place this week. Next week we have to go over to Paris to have a leadership training....So much traveling. I am going to be sick of trains by the end of these two weeks.

Well family, I love you and it was so cool to talk to you the other day. I hope you have a great day and I will talk to you later.

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