Friday, June 10, 2011

June 7, 2011

Hey family, how is everything going? Well things here are good. I have just been getting ready to leave and head over to Paris. It should be fun. I am excited to go to Paris. It also should be fun to white wash and start a fresh. It should be awesome. Ya, so Elder Whitecar is staying here in Le Havre with an Elder Fisher. The work is going good here so they should have some fun. Well, these past few days have been fun. This past week we had an exchange with the zone leaders. They came down for the day and we each worked with one of them. We found some cool people and got some numbers so hopefully they will turn into new investigators. We have also had some pretty cool things happen here. There has been many times when people have just come up to us and started talking to us. The cool part is that they knew us and they knew a lot about the church. There was one guy who knew about the pioneers crossing the planes and everything. We ran into a couple of people like that. I guess a while back they had missionaries come over and teach them, but they didn’t progress or something. But now they are interested again and want us to come over. So, it looks like the seed was planted a while back and now they may be ready. It is pretty cool. That has happened about 3-4 times this week.

Well, our investigators are doing pretty good right now. Joseph our friend from Donatien is doing great. His life is just like from the movie Pursuit of Happiness. The Lord has blessed him so much in his life to let him be here in France going to school. He was asked last week to leave his apartment and he had to find a new one. He has some great friends who said that he could stay with them. He is so cool. He loves the gospel and is so elect. Our other investigator, Françoise Daniel, is doing great also. She is so cool and likes us very much. She gave us some real Normandy creme and some real Normandy cheese. It was good. She is progressing great also. She is coming along slowly, but she is coming along. She comes to church almost every week. It is hard to have some rendez-vous with her but we have them about every other week. Well, that is what is going on. I have been trying to just get some things organized to head out. It is going to be hard to leave and I will miss it but this is what the Lord wants. Well, I love you.


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